田中百合子|Inner Peace For You|A Course in Miracles・ACIM・奇跡の道(奇跡のコース・奇跡講座)翻訳者・田中百合子ウェブサイト

My Story
"Lily Child"

10.A Star of Bethlehem






合宿が終わった日、先生にさそわれ、他にも手伝っていた何人かと一緒にアメリカ映画を見に連れていってもらった。その映画に主演していた女優、ドロレス・ ハートになんとなく心ひかれる思いをしている自分に気づいた。その後、もう二、三本ドロレスが主演した映画を見て一年も経たないうちに、彼女が映画界を去って、キリスト教の修道女として生きるために、アメリカのコネティカット州のベトレヘムにある、ベネディクト会に入会したとのニュースを目にした。それを読んだとき、驚きで胸騒ぎを感じるよりも、「ああ、やっぱりそうだったのか」と自分なりに納得がいき、心が安らぐ思いがした。

A Star of Bethlehem

After the experience of separation, I found myself questioning about my life: “what is life?; “What is the purpose of my living? “ I posed these questions to teachers and friends at school. but no one could give me an answer that made sense to me. Gradually, I retreated, so to speak, to my own safe world. I preferred not to get involved with people. It was my solution not to place myself in any situation that exposes me to any possibility of experiencing more pain of separation. But somehow, I was recognizing that someone was whispering to my ear that there is something that will last, forever, ... something that I will be able to hold on without having a fear of losing it ever.

During the first two years, of high school, I joined Japanese archery club. My reason was simple. It is not a team sport. I did not have to get involved with anyone else. Ironically, though because of this sport, I had a chance to go to a National High school Athletic Meet, as one of the representatives from our state.During the first summer of my high school years, I responded to a request from a teacher who coached my junior high school’s softball team. He needed some help for summer training camp for the team. At the end of this one-week training camp, the teacher took some of us to see a couple of American movies. In the movie titled, “Where the Boys Are, “ I saw an actress named Dolores Hart. For some reason she left some strong impression in my mind. During the next year, I saw her in 2 or 3 other movies. Then one day, I read an article in a movie magazine that she left the movie industry. And she entered Benedictine order of religious community in Bethlehem Connecticut. It was a shocking news not as a disappointment, but as a clue for me to know the reason why I must have felt something special about her.





奇跡の道 -兄イエズスの教え- について









