19.Broken Healer

*1990年、イエズスの新たなる教え、"A Course in Miracles"を学習しはじめてからは、御聖体拝領に関しては考えを新たにしている。
Broken Healer
In my younger days, I never dreamed of working in a hospital. If I had not joined the Sisters of Mercy community, I would never had chosen to work in a hospital. But here I am, I have spent half of my religious life and (even now) in the hospital as a pastoral care person. I allowed myself to go back-and-forth through a swinging door of the possibility of developing my gift and visual art. As I remember the first time, I experienced a disappointment in life, it was something connected to art. When I was beginning to see some possibility of holding on to something, I can be good at, and be able to be recognized by others because of my gift, I have to come to terms with myself that it will not work out that way. Whatever way I look at it, it had seemed to be my own gift itself that turned out to be a cause of my pain and suffering. It still remains as a challenge for me how to incorporate my creativity into my ministry in life. As I come to accept my own brokenness and a need of healing, I become more sensitive and compassionate toward others who are experiencing their brokenness. Strengthened by the blood of Christ, I strive to be a minister of God’s love to all with whom I encounter, capturing an each moment and it’s gift.